As in many Religions and Cultures a Spiritual Throne name/Ceremonial name is also taken by a religious leader. Let it hereby be known that with the Temple His Majesty Darius Adrik Conrad Alexander Salvo Noto Holstein (Kings) assumes the Ceremonial Name and Title:

Sargon El Elyon Ozymandias XIII

     Manus Manus ex quad adveho Gra al



The Imperial Temple of Kings

Neo-Protestant Temple of the Resurrection

Preamble (Forward to The Canon Law of the Imperial Temple of Kings) The Imperial Temple of Kings is a Religious and Spiritual Order founded for, but not Limited to, The Imperial Sovereign House of Kings, Members thereof, and Members of The Imperial Chivalric Order of Kings.

However all Persons who are in accord with the Constitution of The Imperial Sovereign House of Kings or Allies thereof, and who deem it beneficent to be Members of the Imperial Temple of Kings, to abide by the Doctrines thereof either as Clergy, or Members of Congregation, are Duly welcomed.

The Imperial Temple of Kings is for identification purposes Neo-Protestant, both Catholic and Protestant, but not Roman Catholic. Sovereign and Modern Protestant in characteristics. It is Omniversal.  It is not under the Jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church, nor Pope thereof.  The Imperial Temple of Kings is best described as a Reformed Protestant Church that draws both from Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox Ritual, and Ancient Cultures/Traditions, while embracing more Liberal Views and Modern Spiritualism. It is the Temple of The Epiphany and New Creation.

Foundations of the Imperial Temple of Kings, Neo-Protestant Temple of the Resurrection and Laws thereof are laid down by The CZAR and Imperial GrandMaster of The Imperial House of Kings and Imperial Chivalric Order of Kings.  Any Revision or Additions must be approved by The Seated CZAR Imperial GrandMaster hereby in context of the Temple to be referred to as The Divine Serene Sovereign of the Imperial Temple of Kings or by those Authorized by The Divine Serene Sovereign of the Imperial Temple of Kings.

The Sacred Core of the Temple is made up of The Divine Serene Sovereign of the Imperial Temple of Kings as Head of the Temple who appoints a College of Thirteen Grand Arch Ministers.

The core of each Parish/Temple will have a similar membership of Thirteen Grand Ministers. The Divine Serene Sovereign sets the Foundation Laws of His Temple. These foundation laws cannot be over turned nor changed unless by his decree.

New Laws, Doctrine, or Sermon created by The Grand Arch Ministers must be decreed into law by The Divine Serene Sovereign, and cannot go against The House Constitution of The Imperial Sovereign House of Kings, nor against the Foundational laws.


ECCLESIASTICAL LAWS of the IMPERIAL TEMPLE OF KINGS, Protestant Temple of the Resurrection (Canon 1-15)

Canon 1 - A law is established when it is promulgated.

Canon 2 - Universal ecclesiastical laws are promulgated by publication in the official commentary; unless another manner of promulgation has been prescribed in particular cases.  They take force upon promulgation.

Canon 3 - All laws are promulgated in the manner determined by the legislator and begin to oblige a month after the day of promulgation unless the law itself decrees another time period.

Canon 4 - Laws regard the Present and future, not the past.

Canon 5 - Merely ecclesiastical laws bind those who have been baptized in the Imperial Temple of Kings or received into it and possess the efficient use of reason.

Canon 6 - Baptisms shall be performed in New Baptism in the Name of The God the Supreme Creator, Christ and The Patron Servant in this case the Imperial Temple of Kings.

Canon 7 - Universal laws bind everywhere all those for whom they were issued.

Canon 8 - Particular laws (for a region)are not presumed Personal nor directed to specific Individuals unless it is otherwise evident and are geared to meet a Specific needs of Members in a specific region.

Canon 9 - Ignorance or error in interpretation of the laws does not impede their effect unless it is expressly established otherwise.

9a - Ignorance or error about a law, a penalty, a fact concerning oneself, or a notorious fact concerning another, is not presumed; it is presumed about a fact concerning another that is not notorious until the contrary is proven.

Canon 10 - The legislator authentically interprets laws as does the one to whom the same legislator has entrusted the power of authentically interpreting.

10a - An authentic interpretation put forth in the form of law has the same force as the law itself and must be promulgated.  If it only declares the words of the law that are certain in themselves, it is retroactive if it restricts or extends the law, or if it explains a doubt in law, it is not retroactive.

Canon 11 - Ecclesiastical laws must be understood in accord with the proper meaning of the words considered in their text and context.  If the meaning remains doubtful and obscure, It must be clarified.

Canon 12 - Laws, which establish a penalty or restrict the free exercise of rights, are subject to strict interpretation.

Canon 13 - If a custom or an express prescript of universal or particular law is lacking in a certain matter, a case, unless it is penal, must be resolved in light of laws issued in similar matters, precedence and general principles of law applied

Canon 14 - In a case of doubt, the revocation of a pre-existing law is not presumed, but later laws must be related to the earlier ones and, insofar as possible, must be harmonized with them.

Canon 15 - Civil laws to which the laws of the Temple yields are to be observed in canon law with the same effects, insofar as they are not contrary to divine law.


CUSTOM (Canon 16-20)

Canon 16 - Only custom introduced by a community of the faithful and approved by the legislator according to the norm of the following canons has the force of law.

Canon 17 - No custom that is contrary to divine law can obtain the force of law.

Canon 18 - No custom obtains the force of law unless a community capable of receiving law has observed it with the intention of introducing a law.

Canon 19 - Unless the competent legislator has specifically approved it, a custom contrary to the canon law now in force, obtains the force of law only if it has been legitimately observed for three continuous and complete years.

Canon 20 - Custom is the best interpreter of laws.



Canon 21 - General decrees, by which a competent legislator issues common prescripts for a community capable of receiving law, are laws properly speaking and are governed by the prescripts of the canons on laws.

Canon 22 - General decrees are to clarified in laymen's terms, for all in his or her native tongue

Canon 23 - Those who possess executive power are able to issue, within the limits of their competence, basic executory decrees, namely, those which more precisely determine the methods to be observed in applying the law or which urge the observance of laws.

Canon 24 - With respect to the promulgation of the decrees mentioned in the prescripts is to be observed.

Canon 25 - General executory decrees oblige those who are bound by the laws of the Imperial Temple of Kings and The Constitution of The Imperial Sovereign House of Kings

Canon 26 - Such decrees only cease to have force by explicit or implicit revocation made by competent authority in this case The Divine Serene Sovereign or authorized Grand Arch Ministers.  However, they do not cease when the authority of the one who established them expires unless the contrary is expressly provided.

Canon 27 - Instructions clarifies the prescripts of laws, elaborates on, and determines the methods to be observed in fulfilling them.  They are given for the use of those whose duty it is to see that laws are executed and oblige them in the execution of the laws. Those who possess executive power legitimately issue such instructions within the limits of their competence.





Canon 28 - A singular administrative act, whether it is a decree, a precept, or a rescript, can be issued by one who possesses executive power within the limits of that person's competence, without prejudice.

Canon 29 - An administrative act must be understood according to the proper meaning of the words and the common manner of speaking.  In a case of doubt, those which refer to litigation, pertain to threatening or inflicting penalties, restrict the rights of a person, injure the acquired rights of others, or are contrary to a law which benefits private persons are subject to a strict interpretation; all others are subject to a broad interpretation.

Canon 30 - An administrative act must not be extended to other cases besides those expressed.

Canon 31 - An administrative act that regards the external forum must be put in writing.  Furthermore, if it is given in commissariat form, the act of its execution must be put in writing.

Canon 32 - An administrative act, even if it is a rescript given motu proprio, lacks effect insofar as it injures the acquired right of another or is contrary to a law or approved custom, unless the competent authority has expressly added a derogating clause.

Canon 33 - The executor of any administrative act invalidly carries out his or her function before receiving the relevant letter and verifying its authenticity and integrity, unless previous notice of the letter had been communicated to the executor by authority of the one who issued the act.

Canon 34 - The executor of an administrative act to whom is entrusted merely the task of execution cannot refuse the execution of this act unless it clearly appears that the act itself is null or cannot be upheld for another grave cause, or the conditions attached to the administrative act itself have not been fulfilled.  Nevertheless, if the execution of the administrative act seems inopportune due to the circumstances of person or place, the executor is to suspend the execution.  In such cases, the executor is to inform immediately the authority who issued the act.

Canon 35 - The executor of an administrative act must proceed according to the norm of the mandate.

Canon 36 - The executor of an administrative act can, according to his or her prudent judgment, substitute another as executor unless substitution has been forbidden, the executor has been chosen for personal qualifications, or a substitute has been predetermined.  In these cases, however, the executor may entrust the preparatory acts to another.

Canon 37 - The executor's successor in office can also execute an administrative act unless the executor was chosen for personal qualifications.

Canon 38 - If the executor has erred in any way in the execution of an administrative act, the executor is permitted to execute the same act again.

Canon 39 - An administrative act does not cease when the authority of the one who established it expires unless the law expressly provides otherwise.

Canon 40 - The revocation of an administrative act by another administrative act of a competent authority takes effect only from the moment at which the revocation is legitimately made known to the person for whom it has been given.

Ø CHAPTER II. Canon (41-53)


Canon 41 - A singular decree is an administrative act issued by a competent executive authority in which a decision is given or a provision is made for a particular case according to the norms of law.  Of their nature, these decisions or provisions do not presuppose a petition made by someone.

Canon 42 - A singular precept is a decree that directly and legitimately enjoins a specific person or persons to do or omit something, especially in Order to urge the observance of law.

Canon 43 - Before issuing a singular decree, an authority is to seek out the necessary information and proofs and, insofar as possible, to hear those whose rights can be injured.

Canon 44 - A decree is to be issued in writing, with the reasons at least summarily expressed if it is a decision.

Canon 45 - A singular decree has force only in respect to the matters that it decides, and for the persons for whom it was given.  It obliges these persons everywhere, however, unless it is otherwise evident.

Canon 46 - If decrees are contrary to one another, a particular decree prevails over a general in those matters that are specifically expressed.  If they are equally particular or equally general, the decree later in time modifies the earlier to the extent that the later one is contrary to it.

Canon 47 - A singular decree whose application is entrusted to an executor takes effect from the moment of execution; otherwise, from the moment it is made known to the person by the authority of the one who issued it.

Canon 48 - To be enforced, a singular decree must be made known by a legitimate document according to the norm of law.

Canon 49 - A decree is considered to have been made known if the one for whom it is destined has been properly summoned to receive or hear the decree but, without a just cause, did not appear or refused to sign.

Canon 50 - Whenever the law Orders a decree to be issued or an interested party legitimately proposes a petition or recourse to obtain a decree, the competent authority is to provide for the matter within three months from the receipt of the petition or recourse unless the law prescribes some other time period.

Canon 51 - A presumed negative response does not exempt the competent authority from the obligation of issuing the decree and even of repairing the damage possibly incurred, according to the norm.

Canon 52 - A singular decree ceases to have force through legitimate revocation by competent authority as well as through cessation of the law for whose execution it was given.

Canon 53 - A singular precept not imposed by a legitimate document ceases when the authority of the one who issued it expires.

Ø CHAPTER III. Canon (54-68)


Canon 54 - A rescript is an administrative act issued in writing by competent executive authority; of its very nature, a rescript grants a privilege, dispensation, or other favor at someone's request.

Canon 55 - The prescripts established for rescripts are valid also for the oral granting of permission or favors unless it is otherwise evident.

Canon 56 - Any rescript can be requested by all those who are not expressly prohibited from doing so.

Canon 57 - Unless it is otherwise evident, a rescript can be requested for another even without the person's assent and has force before the person's acceptance, without prejudice to contrary clauses.

Canon 58 - A rescript in which no executor is given, has effect at the moment the letter is given; other rescripts, at the moment of execution.

Canon 59 - Subreption, or concealment of the truth, prevents the validity of a rescript if in the request those things were not expressed which according to law, style, and canonical practice must be expressed for validity, unless it is a rescript of favor which is given motu proprio.

Canon 60 - Obreption, or a statement of falsehood, also prevents the validity of a rescript if not even one proposed motivating reason is true.

Canon 61 - A rescript does not become invalid due to an error in the name of the person to whom it is given or by whom it is issued, or of the place where the person resides, or in the matter concerned, provided that, in the judgment of the ordinary, there is no doubt about the person or the matter.

Canon 62 - If it happens that two contrary rescripts are obtained for one and the same thing, the particular prevails over the general in those matters that are particularly expressed.

Canon 63 - In a case of doubt whether a rescript is invalid or not, recourse is to be made to the one who issued it.

Canon 64 - A rescript for whose presentation no time is specified can be shown to the executor at any time, provided that there is neither fraud nor malice.

Canon 65 - If in a rescript the granting of a favor is entrusted to an executor, it is up to the prudent judgment and conscience of the executor to grant or deny the favor.

Canon 66 - Rescripts are not revoked by a contrary law unless the law itself provides otherwise.

Canon 67 - Although one can use in the internal forum a favor granted orally, the person is bound to prove the favor in the external forum whenever someone legitimately requests it.

Canon 68 - If a rescript contains a privilege or dispensation; the prescripts of the following canons are also to be observed.

Ø CHAPTER IV. Canon (69-77)


Canon 69 - A privilege is a favor given through a particular act to the benefit of certain physical or juridic persons; it can be granted by the legislator as well as by an executive authority to whom the legislator has granted this power.

Canon 70 - A privilege must be interpreted according to the norm, but that interpretation must always be used by which the beneficiaries of a privilege actually obtain some favor.

Canon 71 - A privilege is presumed to be perpetual unless the contrary is proved.

Canon 72 - A personal privilege, namely one that follows the person, is extinguished with that person's death.

Canon 73 - A privilege ceases through revocation by the competent authority according to the norm, without prejudice.

Canon 74 - No privilege ceases through renunciation unless the competent authority has accepted the renunciation.

Canon 75 - Individual persons cannot renounce a privilege granted to some juridic person or granted in consideration of the dignity of a place or of a thing, nor is a juridic person free to renounce a privilege granted to it if the renunciation brings disadvantage to the Temple or to others.

Canon 76 - A privilege that is not burdensome to others, does not cease through non-use or contrary use.  If it is to the disadvantage of others, however, it is lost if legitimate prescription takes place.

Canon 77 - One who abuses the power given by a privilege deserves to be deprived of that privilege.

§ Therefore, when the holder of a privilege has been warned in vain, an ordinary is to deprive the one who gravely abuses it of a privilege which he himself has granted

Ø CHAPTER V. Canon (78-84)


Canon 78 - A dispensation, or the relaxation of a merely ecclesiastical law in a particular case, can be granted by those who possess executive power within the limits of their competence, as well as by those who have the power to dispense explicitly or implicitly either by the law itself or by legitimate delegation.

Canon 79 - Laws are not subject to dispensation to the extent that they define those things that are essentially constitutive of juridic institutes or acts.

Canon 80 - A Minister, whenever he judges that it contributes to their spiritual good, is able to dispense the faithful from universal and particular disciplinary laws issued for his territory or his subjects by the supreme authority of the Temple.  He is not able to dispense, however, neither from procedural or penal laws nor from those whose dispensation is specially reserved to the Grand Ministers.

Canon 81 - A Grand Minister and other Ministers or Deacons are not able to dispense from universal and particular law unless this power has been expressly granted to them.

Canon 82 - One is not to be dispensed from an ecclesiastical law without a just and reasonable cause, after taking into account the circumstances of the case and the gravity of the law from which dispensation is given; otherwise the dispensation is illicit and, unless it is given by the legislator himself or his superior, also invalid.  In a case of doubt concerning the sufficiency of the cause, a dispensation is granted validly and licitly.

Canon 83 - Even when outside his territory, one who possesses the power to dispense is able to exercise it with respect to his subjects even though they are absent from the territory, and, unless the contrary is expressly established, also with respect to travelers actually present in the territory, as well as with respect to himself.

Canon 84 - A dispensation is subject to a strict interpretation according to the norm.



Canon 85 - Statutes in the proper sense are ordinances that are established according to the norm of law in aggregates of persons (universitates personarum) or of things (universitates rerum) and which define their purpose, constitution, government, and methods of operation.  The statutes of an aggregate of persons (universitas personarum) bind only the persons who are its legitimate members, the statutes of an aggregate of things (universitas rerum), and those who direct it.  Those prescripts of statutes established and promulgated by virtue of legislative power are governed by the prescripts of the canons on laws.

Canon 86 - Rules of Order (ordines) are rules or norms that must be observed in meetings, whether convened by ecclesiastical authority or freely convoked by the Christian faithful, as well as in other celebrations. They define those things that pertain to the constitution, direction, and ways of proceeding.  These rules of Order bind those who participate in these assemblies or celebrations.





Canon 87 - By baptism one is incorporated into the Imperial Temple of Kings in Christ and is constituted a person in it with the duties and rights which are proper to Christians in keeping with their condition, insofar as they are in ecclesiastical communion and unless a legitimately issued sanction stands in the way.

Canon 88 - A person who has completed the eighteenth year of age has reached majority; below this age, a person is a minor.  A minor before the completion of the seventh year is called an infant and is considered not responsible for oneself (non sui compos). With the completion of the seventh year, however, a minor is presumed to have the use of reason.

Canon 89 - A person who has reached majority has the full exercise of his or her rights.  A minor, in the exercise of his or her rights, remains subject to the authority of parents or guardians except in those matters in which minors are exempted from their authority by divine law or canon law.  In what pertains to the appointment of guardians and their authority, the prescripts of civil law are to be observed unless canon law provides otherwise or unless in certain cases the diocesan bishop, for a just cause, has decided to provide for the matter through the appointment of another guardian.

Canon 90 - Whoever habitually lacks the use of reason is considered not responsible for oneself (non sui compos) and is equated with infants.

Canon 91 - A person is said to be a resident in the place where the person has a domicile; a temporary resident in the place where the person has a quasi-domicile; a traveler if the person is outside the place of a domicile or quasi-domicile which is still retained; a transient if the person does not have a domicile or quasi-domicile anywhere.

Canon 92 - The place of origin of a child, even of a neophyte, is that in which the parents had a domicile or, lacking that, a quasi-domicile when the child was born or, if the parents did not have the same domicile or quasi-domicile, that of the mother.  In the case of a child of transients, the place of origin is the actual place of birth; in the case of an abandoned child, it is the place where the child was found.

Canon 93 - Domicile is acquired by that residence within the territory of a certain parish that either is joined with the intention of remaining there permanently unless called away or has been protracted for five complete years. Quasi-domicile is acquired by residence within the territory of a certain parish that either is joined with the intention of remaining there for at least three months unless called away or has in fact been protracted for three months.

Canon 94 - Members of religious institutes and societies of apostolic life acquire a domicile in the place where the house to which they are attached is located; they acquire a quasi-domicile in the house where they are residing, according to the norm.

Canon 95 - Spouses are to have a common domicile or quasi-domicile; by reason of legitimate separation or some other just cause; both can have their own domicile or quasi-domicile.

Canon 96 - A minor necessarily retains the domicile and quasi-domicile of the one to whose power the minor is subject.  A minor who is no longer an infant can also acquire a quasi-domicile of one's own; a minor who is legitimately emancipated according to the norm of civil law can also acquire a domicile of one's own.  Whoever for some other reason than minority has been placed legitimately under the guardianship or care of another has the domicile and quasi-domicile of the guardian or curator.

Canon 97 - Domicile and quasi-domicile are lost by departure from a place with the intention of not returning.

Canon 98 - In the direct line there are as many degrees as there are generations or persons, not counting the common ancestor.  In the collateral line there are as many degrees as there are persons in both the lines together, not counting the common ancestor.

Canon 99 - Affinity arises from a valid marriage, even if not consummated, and exists between a man and the blood relatives of the woman and between the woman and the blood relatives of the man.  It is so computed that those who are blood relatives of the man are related in the same line and degree by affinity to the woman, and vice versa.

Canon 100 - Children who have been adopted according to the norm of civil law are considered the children of the person or persons who have adopted them.

Canon 101 - Through the reception of baptism, the child of parents who belong to the Imperial Temple of Kings is enrolled in it, or, if one or the other does not belong to it, both parents have chosen by mutual agreement to have the offspring baptized the Imperial Temple of Kings in Christ.  If there is no mutual agreement, however, the child is enrolled in the ritual Temple to which the father belongs.


JURIDIC PERSONS Canon (102-113)

Canon 102 - The Imperial Temple of Kings and the Divine Serene Sovereign have the character of a moral person by divine ordinance itself.  In the Temple, besides physical persons, there are also juridic persons, that is, subjects in canon law of obligations and rights that correspond to their nature.

Canon 103 - Juridic persons are constituted either by the prescript of law or by special grant of competent authority given through a decree.  They are aggregates of persons (universitates personarum) or of things (universitates rerum) Ordered for a purpose which is in keeping with the mission of the Temple and which transcends the purpose of the individuals.  The purposes are understood as those that pertain to works of piety, of the apostolate, or of charity, whether spiritual or temporal.

Canon 104 - The competent authority of the Temple is not to confer juridic personality except on those aggregates of persons (universitates personarum) or things (universitates rerum) which pursue a truly useful purpose and, all things considered, possess the means that are foreseen to be efficient to achieve their designated purpose.

Canon 105 - Juridic persons in the Temple are either aggregates of persons (universitates personarum) or aggregates of things (universitates rerum). An aggregate of persons (universitas personarum) which can be constituted only with at least three persons, is collegial if the members determine its action through participation in rendering decisions, whether by equal right or not, according to the norm of law and the statutes; otherwise it is non-collegial.  An aggregate of things (universitas rerum), or an autonomous foundation, consists of goods or things, whether spiritual or material, and either one or more physical persons or a college directs it according to the norm of law and the statutes.

Canon 106 - Public juridic persons are aggregates of persons (universitates personarum) or of things (universitates rerum) which are constituted by competent ecclesiastical authority so that, within the purposes set out for them, they fulfill in the name of the Temple, according to the norm of the prescripts of the law, the proper function entrusted to them in view of the public good.  Other juridic persons are private.

Canon 107 - Public juridic persons are given this personality either by the law itself or by a special decree of competent authority expressly granting it.  Private juridic persons are given this personality only through a special decree of competent authority expressly granting it.

Canon 108 - No aggregate of persons (universitas personarum) or of things (universitas rerum), intending to obtain juridic personality, is able to acquire it unless competent authority has approved its statutes.

Canon 109 - Representing a public juridic person and acting in its name are those whose competence is acknowledged by universal or particular law or by its own statutes.  Representing a private juridic person are those whose competence is granted by statute.

Canon 110 - With regard to collegial acts, unless the law or statutes provide otherwise: if it concerns elections, when the majority of those who must be convoked are present, that which is approved by the absolute majority of those present has the force of law; after two indecisive ballots, The Divine Serene Sovereign is called upon for final decision.

Canon 111 - A juridic person is perpetual by its nature; nevertheless, it is extinguished if it is legitimately suppressed by competent authority or has ceased to act for a hundred years.  A private juridic person, furthermore, is extinguished if the association is dissolved according to the norm of its statutes or if, in the judgment of competent authority, the foundation has ceased to exist according to the norm of its statutes.  If even one of the members of a collegial juridic person survives, and the aggregate of persons (universitas personarum) has not ceased to exist according to its statutes, that member has the exercise of all the rights of the aggregate (universitas).

Canon 112 - If aggregates of persons (universitates personarum) or of things (universitates rerum) which are public juridic persons, are so joined that from them one aggregate (universitas) is constituted which also possesses juridic personality, this new juridic person obtains the goods and patrimonial rights proper to the prior ones and assumes the obligations with which they were burdened.  With regard to the allocation of goods in particular and to the fulfillment of obligations, however, the intention of the founders and donors as well as acquired rights must be respected.

Canon 113 - Upon the extinction of a public juridic person, the allocation of its goods, patrimonial rights, and obligations is governed by law and its statutes; if these give no indication, they go to the juridic person immediately superior, always without prejudice to the intention of the founders and donors and acquired rights.  Upon the extinction of a private juridic person, its own statutes govern the allocation of its goods and obligations.


JURIDIC ACTS (Canon 114-119)

Canon 114 - For the validity of a juridic act it is required that the act is placed by a qualified person and includes those things which essentially constitute the act itself as well as the formalities and requirements imposed by law for the validity of the act.  A juridic act placed correctly with respect to its external elements is presumed valid.

Canon 115 - An act placed out of force inflicted on a person from without which the person was not able to resist in any way, is considered as never to have taken place.  An act placed out of grave fear, unjustly inflicted, or out of malice is valid unless the law provides otherwise.  It can be rescinded, however, through the sentence of a judge, either at the instance of the injured party or of the party's successors in law.

Canon 116 - An act placed out of ignorance or out of error concerning something that constitutes its substance is invalid.  Otherwise, it is valid unless the law makes other provision. An act entered into out of ignorance or error, however, can give rise to a rescissory action according to the norm of law.

Canon 117 - When it is established by law that in Order to place acts a superior needs the consent or counsel of some college or group of persons, the college or group must be convoked according to the norm, when it concerns seeking counsel only, particular or proper law provides otherwise. For such acts to be valid, however, it is required that the consent of an absolute majority of those present is obtained or Decreed by the Divine Serene Sovereign

Canon 118 - All whose consent or counsel is required are obliged to offer their opinion sincerely and, if the gravity of the affair requires it, to observe secrecy diligently.  The superior can insist upon this obligation.

Canon 119 - Whoever illegitimately inflicts damage upon someone by a juridic act or by any other act placed with malice or negligence is obliged to repair the damage inflicted.



Canon 120 - Those who have received sacred Orders are qualified, according to the norm of the prescripts of the law, for the power of governance which exists in the Temple by divine institution and is also called the power of jurisdiction.  Lay members of the faithful can cooperate in the exercise of this same power according to the norm of law.

Canon 121 - Of itself, the power of governance is exercised for the external forum; sometimes, however, it is exercised for the internal forum alone, so that the effects which its exercise is meant to have for the external forum are not recognized there, except insofar as the law establishes it in determined cases.

Canon 122 - The ordinary power of governance is that which is joined to a certain office by the law itself; delegated, that which is granted to a person but not by means of an office.

Canon 123 - The ordinary power of governance can be either proper or vicarious.

Canon 124 - The burden of proving delegation rests on the one who claims to have been delegated.

Canon 125 - Habitual faculties are governed by the prescripts for delegated power.  unless the grant expressly provides otherwise or the ordinary was chosen for personal qualifications, a habitual faculty granted to an ordinary is not withdrawn when the authority of the ordinary to whom it was granted expires, even if he has begun to execute it, but the faculty transfers to any ordinary who succeeds him in governance.

Canon 126 - A delegate who carries out those things for which the person was delegated in some manner other than that determined in the mandate is not considered to exceed the limits of the mandate unless the manner was prescribed for validity by the one delegating.

Canon 127 - In addition to the Divine Serene Sovereign, by the title of ordinary are understood in the law Grand Ministers, Ministers and others who, even if only temporarily, are placed offer some particular church or a community equivalent to it according to the norm.

Canon 128 - Within the context of executive power, those things which in the canons are attributed by name to the Grand Ministers are understood to belong only to a Grand Ministers and to the others made equivalent to him, except by special mandate.

Canon 129 - The power of governance is distinguished as legislative, executive, and judicial.

Canon 130 - Legislative power must be exercised in the manner prescribed by law; that which a legislator below the supreme authority possesses in the Temple cannot be validly delegated unless the law explicitly provides otherwise. A lower legislator cannot validly issue a law contrary to higher law.

Canon 131 - Judicial power which judges or judicial colleges possess, must be exercised in the manner prescribed by law and cannot be delegated except to perform acts preparatory to some decree or sentence.

Canon 132 - In what pertains to the exercise of executive power, the prescripts of the following canons are to be observed.

Canon 133 - Unless the nature of the matter or a prescript of law establishes otherwise, a person is able to exercise executive power over his subjects, even when he or they are outside his territory; he is also able to exercise this power over travelers actually present in the territory if it concerns granting favors or executing universal laws or particular laws which bind them according to norm of laws.

Canon 134 - Ordinary executive power can be delegated both for a single act and for all cases unless the law expressly provides otherwise.  Executive power delegated by the Divine Serene Sovereign can be sub-delegated for a single act or for all cases unless the delegate was chosen for personal qualifications or sub-delegation was expressly forbidden.

Canon 135 - Executive power delegated by another authority who has ordinary power can be sub-delegated only for individual cases if it was delegated for all cases.  If it was delegated for a single act or for determined acts, however, it cannot be sub-delegated except by express grant of the one delegating.

Canon 136 - Ordinary executive power as well as power delegated for all cases must be interpreted broadly; any other, however, must be interpreted strictly. Nevertheless, one who has delegated power is understood to have been granted also those things without which the delegate cannot exercise this power.

Canon 137 - Unless the law determines otherwise, the fact that a person approaches some competent authority, even a higher one, does not suspend the executive power, whether ordinary or delegated, of another competent authority.  Nevertheless, a lower authority is not to become involved in cases submitted to a higher authority except for a grave and urgent cause; in this case, the lower authority is immediately to notify the higher concerning the matter.

Canon 138 - When several persons have been delegated in solidum to transact the same affair, the one who first begins to deal with it excludes the others from doing so unless that person subsequently was impeded or did not wish to proceed further in carrying it out.  Executive power delegated to several persons is presumed to be delegated to them in solidum.

Canon 139 - Delegated power ceases by fulfillment of the mandate; by expiration of the time or completion of the number of cases for which it was granted; by cessation of the purpose for the delegation; by revocation of the one delegating directly communicated to the delegate as well as by resignation of the delegate made known to and accepted by the one delegating.  It does not cease, however, when the authority of the one delegating expires unless this appears in attached clauses.  Nevertheless, an act of delegated power that is exercised for the internal forum alone and is placed inadvertently after the lapse of the time limit of the grant is valid.

Canon 140 - Ordinary power ceases by loss of the office to which it is connected.  Unless the law provides otherwise, ordinary power is suspended if, legitimately, an appeal is made or recourse is lodged against privation of or removal from office.

Canon 141 - In factual or legal common error and in positive and probable doubt of law or of fact, the Temple supplies executive power of governance for both the external and internal forum.
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